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Le moteur et rien que le moteur !

ATTENTION ! Le société sera fermée du 26 Juillet au 01 Septembre inclus. Toutes les commandes enregistrées à partir du 26 Juillet 12h seront expédiées à partir du 02 Septembre 2024.

Legal information

The Internet site “” is the property of the company Rectification 2000 s.a.r.l., a limited liability company with capital of 10,000.00 euros, having its registered office at 10 rue d’Estienne d’Orves, 92250 la Garenne Colombes, France. Entered in the commercial register of companies of Nanterre under no. B 242 789 419 RM 920.

Website design & Hosting

2 rue de Pontoise
95650 Puiseux Pontoise

The company Rectification 2000 undertakes to observe strict compliance with civil liberties. The site is consistent with Law n° 78-17 of 6th January 1978 governing data processing, data files and civil liberties.
The “” site is registered with the National Commission for Data Processing and Civil Liberties [Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés] under n° 132 22 97. Under the terms of this law, you have a right of access for the modification, correction or deletion of any information which concerns you. You can exercise this right by sending an E-mail to or a letter to Rectification 2000, Planet-Moteur, 10 rue d’Estienne d’Orves, 92250 la Garenne Colombes, France.

Personal information is only collected on our website through the submission of order forms, requests for quotations, requests for information (through the contact page) or by subscription to the newsletter. Mandatory fields in these forms (marked with: *) are intended to allow the optimum management of your requests and/or orders. This information is essential for the effective management and delivery of a high-quality service.

The company Rectification 2000 undertakes not to lease, sell or transfer to third parties any personal information collected through the “Planet-Moteur” site.

When a purchase is made on the "" site, payment by bank card is completed through a link to the secure site of the Banque Populaire (Cyberplus Payment). Under no circumstances will the information requested (card number, expiry date, security code, name of the holder) be disclosed to the company Rectification 2000.

Although every care is taken in respect of the content, presentation and management of its website, the company Rectification 2000 can accept no liability for any typographic/graphic/photographic errors, technical errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the content of the “” site.

The trademarks and/or logos “planet-moteur”, “ondulex-doublex” and “rectification 2000” are trademarks of the company Rectification 2000. Other trademarks featured on the “www.” site are the property of their respective owners.

All sketches, photographs and texts on this site are protected by international copyright laws, and cannot be used in any form without the written permission of the company Rectification 2000. Any utilization, copying, partial or total publication of the content of the “” site is prohibited.



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